Thanks to grant money received from the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund and many individuals and businesses who matched the grant money dollar for dollar, the arena received many recent upgrades in 2013. New boards, new plexiglass, new score clock, and fresh paint are just a few of the improvements made to the arena. Some of the best naturally made ice in the province is put in by volunteers as soon as the weather permits and then 70 ft by 175 ft ice surface is maintained by an Olympia ice surfacing machine. The arena is kept busy with public skating, learn to skate program, youth hockey, women's hockey and OHL senior hockey.
The arena is equipped with four large bright dressing rooms. Each dressing room has 10 ft ceilings, in-floor heat, shower, bathroom, high efficiency lighting, and a state of the art fresh air/ exhaust air handling system.
Spectators and parents can relax in the renovated viewing lounge equipped with executive soft seating looking onto the ice surface. During most games players and spectators are able to satisfy their cravings for a variety of food from the new canteen which has built a reputation of serving delicious homemade dinners on select evenings. The canteen is equipped with a pizza oven, french fry/onion ring fryer, hamburger grills and other equipment. Our facility coordinator and a friendly group of area volunteers are instrumental in its operation.
The arena is equipped with four large bright dressing rooms. Each dressing room has 10 ft ceilings, in-floor heat, shower, bathroom, high efficiency lighting, and a state of the art fresh air/ exhaust air handling system.
Spectators and parents can relax in the renovated viewing lounge equipped with executive soft seating looking onto the ice surface. During most games players and spectators are able to satisfy their cravings for a variety of food from the new canteen which has built a reputation of serving delicious homemade dinners on select evenings. The canteen is equipped with a pizza oven, french fry/onion ring fryer, hamburger grills and other equipment. Our facility coordinator and a friendly group of area volunteers are instrumental in its operation.