Renewal...The Capital Campaign
The powerful and timeless pull of the beautiful Clear Lake region has drawn people here for millennia. In ages long past, Nature’s bounty attracted and nourished the Indigenous Peoples; the fertile earth and promise of a better life brought the settlers; today all Canadians are welcomed to the area to explore and learn from this awe-inspiring jewel. Friendships new and old, with neighbours in surrounding communities, weave the fabric of this unique district. Closer to home, the area has become a sanctuary for families, a haven of serenity for retirees, and a source of opportunity for young entrepreneurs. We have been blessed with the responsibility of being the caretakers of this precious area, as we welcome all to participate in celebrating our community. Thanks to the previous hard work of Onanole community members, the village has enjoyed the addition of a very valuable resource. It sits in the heart of town: the Onanole & District Recreation Centre, where opportunities abound for young and old to enjoy sports, concerts, weddings, arrivals, reunions and departures. It is the aim of the present committee to launch Onanole’s next Capital Campaign, in order that we may fulfill the ongoing needs of both the physical building and grounds, and nourish the social and recreational needs of those who live, work, play, grow, and invest here. With the help of donors, supporters and patrons, we wish to continue the important legacy that ensures our community and surrounding district will flourish. We hope to count on your support, and we thank you for your consideration.
The Onanole & District Rec Board |